Scottish Independence?

The answer is I don’t know. When I was younger I didn’t see the point in devolution and thought it was a waste of money. While I think paying MSPs the salary we do is a waste, and as much as I despise “Suntan” Sheridan he was right about one thing, how much MSPs should be paid. Now we have Independence rearing it’s head. A subject that has generally been avoided/laughed at and regarded as a pipe dream by central government and many in the Scottish Parliament. That’s suddenly changed. Cameron is now shitting himself, suddenly this has gone from a dream to a very real possibility and is starting to panic along with many. They want a quick, cut and dried answer to all this, and I don’t think that is sensible in this situation. Unlike the younger me, I have the magical power of hindsight, I see that Scotland having more control over how it runs has been a good thing. For it have more control in a fiscal sense, seems more than reasonable, it does not operate in the same way as England, so why not operate it in a more sensible way?
However full independence? I don’t know what to think. Given the global financial situation, the EU is looking somewhat shaky, is going it alone a good idea? What will happen? Could England be better off, while Scotland flounders or vise versa? Would both countries suffer or would both flourish? No one actually knows, not Salmond, nor Cameron. Would Scotland be seen as a new country perfect for criminal regimes or would it be left alone? Again, no one knows. The only thing we do know is that politicians lie, however which ones are lying in this case is anyone’s guess. The only part that makes me sad about this is that Scotland would retain the queen as head of state, I’d much prefer a republic.
I’ll certainly be voting, but which way I don’t know, then again I have a third option, emigrating.
UPDATE April 2020: I voted YES! and would again.