5 years on…
I’ve been giving an airing to some tunes I made over 5 years ago, they were experimental electronic ones that formed a collection called Blue-oo-sound. The ‘oo’ came from me just randomly assigning each track a letter with ‘oo’ after it, not the most ingenius idea, but it did the job. Each had a different low frequency tone droning away in the background, and the idea is that depending on the frequency of the tone it will mimic alpha, theta or delta brainwaves. I dug them out because they’re being submitted to a collective known as ‘The House Above The World’. I’ve been checking the levels on each track, adjusting the mix, until I was happy with each one. I’m also currently knocking together some cover artwork for this project. If all goes to plan it should see the light of day at the end of the month.