4 Funerals and No Weddings

I’m now at that point in life where the number of funerals I’ve attended is more than the number of weddings. In the past eight or nine months, four people I know have passed away. Some I’ve been close to, some less so.
I’ve been reflecting on this. Both occasions are ones where people meet up with family and friends, often ones they don’t see frequently. In my experience, it’s nice to see these people again, and I’m reminded that I should try and stay in touch with people. Unfortunately, life tends to get in the way and helps me forget these things. Then another gathering happens and I, as many of us probably do, think, “We should do this more often.”
I am making a concerted effort to try and keep in touch and meet up with people more. It doesn’t have to be a big thing, but I’m trying to keep it regular. In some cases, it is sending a weird picture I’ve made, a meme, or some off-the-top-of-my-head voice note via WhatsApp to see if it makes someone laugh.
It is easy to forget when we last spoke to someone. Time can feel like it’s moving so fast; a few months can easily become a few years without realizing it.
Let us all reach out to the people we know, those we see regularly and those we hardly see at all. Do it via whatever messaging app you use, perhaps even an email, phone/video call, or a small gift in the post. What holds us back from doing this? Ourselves and our busy lives.
At the birth of my son almost two years ago, both his health and that of my wife were not good. It’s better now, but there are still lingering effects. Without going into much detail, we ended up spending six to seven weeks in two different hospitals, with my wife and son as patients in both. We had some friends visit us at the second hospital. Being able to meet up with them, even if only for a short period of time, didn’t make all the stress and anxiety stop, but it allowed for a bit of breathing space. They took the time and effort to turn up, which gave us a boost and showed that people care when we needed it.
Life is too short. It’s time to stick some recurring reminders in our calendars and keep in touch. It doesn’t have to be a big thing, it doesn’t have to take up much of your time, though it can if you want it to be. But whatever happens, keep doing it.