DJ Jazzy Doogle
I have bought a lot of CDs recently. Given that I hadn’t bought more than the odd one every 4-6 months if even that many, this is unusual for me. I listen to music daily, you would think I would buy quite a bit of it more of it than I seem to. I used to, then life got in the way and I just seemed to stop, and no I hadn’t just decided I’d paid for enough music over the years and just decided to go off and download it off the internet for fuck all. I just seemed to grow more apathetic and picky towards music.
It’s been since I picked up the deluxe version of ‘Pornography’. It was never an album I’d previously rate as one of my favourite Cure albums. Listening to it now though I seem to appreciate it far more than I used to. My interest in music has been given a bit of adrenaline boost. It made me want to play alone with the songs, something I haven’t really done with Cure songs in a long time, I can still remember how to play most of the basslines, even though it’s been about 15 years since I learned a good chunk of them. Getting the deluxe version of ‘Disintegration’ the other week has further encouraged this, though not just bass but guitar parts too. I have been meaning to get round to recording some of the Schrodinger’s Beard stuff for posterity more than anything and this *may* have given me enough of a boot up the arse to get a lot of the groundwork done.
In the meantime, while I summon the energy to get that project off the ground. It’s nice that my passion for music seems to be back, I must remember to go order that Tim Ten Yen album I’ve been meaning to pick up since last year but keep forgetting about.