
On my way into Tesco to pick up a few bits and pieces this morning. I saw a woman ahead of me blanking one of the food bank volunteers on their way into the shop. No sign of a declination, completely ignoring the volunteer. I took the list from them advising of items they were needing.
Off I went occasionally grabbing some of the needed items as I wandered the aisles. I was picking up two or three of each item, as they seemed relatively inexpensive. What got me when I went out to the food bank volunteers and started putting items in their collection, they were grateful, but seemed a little taken aback when I said, there’s more after giving them about five or six items. I proceeded to keep giving them more, every time they thought I was finished I kept giving them more items. It seemed to be so unexpected for them, I guess a lot of people put a couple of items in which is great, but I was in a position to do more so I did.
As I said to the woman, “It’s the festive season, and if it make’s someone’s life easier, all the better.” They seemed pleasantly surprised that someone had made this effort. I believe it was the right thing to do, what confuses me, is if someone can afford it, then make the effort and help out someone less fortunate than yourself? It would seem my actions are not as common as I might have expected? I was able to afford it this month, so it didn’t bother me.
I’m not looking for a pat on the back. The reason for this post is simple, in a week of closed bridge and bombing the shit out of Syria, food banks are still out there, and some people rely on them as the result of a twisted and cruel government. Food banks might not have been on the news recently but they’re still out there, and they still need donations. Even though this will be a tight month for a lot of people, if you can, please donate to a local food bank, even if it’s only a couple of items. It’s a necessity for some, please remember making a donation this Christmas and use that memory to keep donating in 2016.