Fruit Doesn’t Grow In Fridges

Other than bacteria and mould not much grows in a fridge. Fridges are dark, cold places and while they’re nice for keeping our favourite beverages chilled, I don’t think anyone would want to live in one. No one wants to have their growth stunted physically, mentally or emotionally, living in a fridge would do exactly that to a person, so why oh why do we seem to develop out here in the nice warm world* like we’ve been living in a fridge. Think back to the time someone told you that you were shit at something, were you actually shit at it, or were they just putting you down, either due to jealousy or just being malicious and wanting you fail. If it’s negative feedback, we let it get to us, instead of ignoring and rising above it, if people offered constructive criticism life would be a much better place, we could learn more, grow more and develop our skills and as a result end up as better human beings.
Here’s a tip: if people don’t ever offer you feedback, they either a) have bothered checking something out or b) probably too afraid to say “I didn’t like it.”, which if it’s not their cup of tea, is fair game, but they need to remember you are not a fragile egocenteric*** and that you can accept it.
* Though if you’ve been outside “Brrrrrr! It’s a bit nippy out”**
** Yes this bit is stolen from The Mary Whitehouse Experience.
*** If you are like this and if you are and take constructive criticism badly you poor delicate flower, then grow up and grow a pair (the pair you require will depend on gender).