Reboot 2016
It’s been a grim year. Legendary musicians bailed on us, David Cameron gambled on Brexit and it blew up in his face. Right wing wankers are on the rise, the Parliamentary Labour party’s right leaning wankers don’t like don’t like democracy so are trying to unseat their leader against the judgement of their members who overwhelmingly wanted Jeremy Corbyn. The new unelected prime minister Theresa May said she thought the murder 100,000 innocent people with nuclear weapons dealing with a threat was acceptable. Racism is rampant, generally, the current case is one of the stars of the new Ghostbusters film. Some guy getting a reduced charge for raping an unconscious girl because he has rich parents. It’s not good people.
Here in the UK, people are still sharing Britain First and equivalent posts with a picture with a quote taken out of context, because they ‘agree with the statement’. I’m sure plenty of people agreed with Fred West and Harold Shipman on certain issues such as favourite patio styles or saving the NHS money and what not, but it’s not something you go around endorsing is it?
So negative, so miserable, so what can I do to change things? What can I do? Not what can you do or what can we do, but what can I do? Responsibility for change always starts with yourself.
- Write letters to people I feel have had an influence on me in some way or if I’ve enjoyed their work, it’s nice to get a letter. Not sure if it’s nice getting a letter from me or not because I’ve never sent myself one. Maybe I should start?
- Following on from that even though email and tweets can be impersonal, I’m going to send encouraging emails and tweets to people.
- Leave positive reviews on items and podcasts that I enjoy and rate them, even if it means using the evil of iTunes to do it.
- Something I already do, which I fully intend to continue doing is writing silly and amusing things on the ‘notes’ or ‘additional info’ when ordering things on-line. It makes a nice surprise for anyone reading it.
- Try and doing something creative for myself every day or two.
You’ve got to try, haven’t you?